Deep Rock Galactic LowLevelFatalError and Unreal Engine Crash: Following a two-year development period, Deep Rock Galactic has now launched for PC and Xbox users. However, players on PC are encountering more technical issues compared to those on Xbox One.
Gamers from around the globe have reported various problems while attempting to enjoy Deep Rock Galactic.
In this article, we will explore two prevalent challenges faced by players of Deep Rock Galactic and offer solutions to resolve these issues effectively.
Deep Rock Galactica Errors:
In this guide, we will focus on two specific issues: the LowLevelFatalError and the Unreal Engine Crash error.
While there are various errors that players may encounter in the game, our discussion will be limited to these two.
For those interested in exploring additional errors related to Deep Rock Galactica and their respective solutions, we have a separate article dedicated to that topic.
If you encounter an error message stating “LowLevelFatalError [File:C:\P4\UnrealEngine\Main4-19\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 233] Result failed” after several hours of smooth gameplay or during the game’s launch, it’s essential to address it properly.
For users who can play Deep Rock Galactic for a while before the error occurs, a straightforward solution is to restart your system. However, if the issue arises at startup, it indicates that your graphics processor settings may not be optimized for the game.
For those with an NVIDIA graphics card, access the NVIDIA Control Panel and navigate to “Manage 3D Settings.” Under the “Program Settings” tab, locate and select Deep Rock Galactic from the list of applications.
In the first step, choose the “Non-Integrated GPU” option, click “Apply,” and save your changes. Once you’ve done this, close the NVIDIA Control Panel and attempt to launch the game again.
If you are using an AMD graphics card, open the Device Manager by searching for it in the Windows search bar and running it as an administrator.
Expand the “Display Adapters” section to find your integrated GPU. Right-click on it and select “Disable.” After disabling the integrated GPU, try launching the game again, and it should utilize the AMD GPU, which should resolve the error.
Unreal Engine Crash Fix:
Several players have reported encountering the Unreal Engine Crash Error when attempting to launch Deep Rock Galactic. This error appears to be linked to certain third-party applications, with the Duet Display app being a common offender.
To resolve this issue, check the applications installed on your system and completely remove Duet Display or any similar software. After uninstalling, restart your computer and try launching the game again. This should allow it to run smoothly without triggering the error.
In summary, this guide provides a straightforward solution to tackle some of the typical errors faced by players in Deep Rock Galactic. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below.
Additionally, don’t forget to explore our other articles covering topics related to iPhone, Android, Windows, gaming, and much more for further valuable insights.
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